Recommended Layers ================== The Unity Actor Control / Presenter Framework contains classes that do ray casts and you will need to set up your own colliders in order to support things like picking up items or trigger certain events. These colliders need a well-organized set of layers to support them. Should enemies push items around or should they pass through them? What about corpses - are these obstacles or special effects? Should the player be able to hide from an enemy's line of sight behind a corpse? Here is a list of recommended layers you should create when working with the Actor Controller / Presenter Framework Default ------- This standard layer can be used for the static, solid parts of the world. This way, anything new you add to the scene will have the right layer assigned unless it's something special, like an enemy, trigger or effect. Corpses ------- This layer should be applied to dead enemies so they can be excluded from collision checks if so desired. In platformers, solid dead enemies can easily obstruct paths or enable players to reach places they're not supposed to, so it's a good idea to prevent collisions with corpses for projectiles and the player. Player ------ Having the player on its own layer lets enemies do ray casts for player visibility by simply setting the layer mask to (Default + Player). They can also set up trigger spheres that will wake them up when a player enters their range (and only burn CPU time doing those ray casts if the player is close enough). Enemies ------- Pretty useful if you want to provide the player with an indicator whether enemies are in the vicinity, or efficiently collect a list of enemies for a radar display, or perhaps figure out whether the player's save spot / camp is free of enemies before saving. Items ----- Simplifies detection of objects that can be picked up Climbing -------- Required. The climbing handles need to be on this layer so they can be detected. Collision Mask ============== This is a default collision mask showing how you should set up the layer collisions in Unity (formatted in the same non-standard order used by the Unity Editor) D C E e o P n f r l e I a p a m t u s y i e l e e e m t s r s s Items X _ X _ X Enemies X _ X _ Player X _ X Corpses X _ Default X