#region CPL License /* Nuclex Framework Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Nuclex Development Labs This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the IBM Common Public License as published by the IBM Corporation; either version 1.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the IBM Common Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the IBM Common Public License along with this library */ #endregion using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Threading; namespace Nuclex.Networking { /// Listens for incoming TCP/IP connections on a specific port /// /// /// This listener can handle moderate loads. It doesn't use the new support for /// IO completion ports in .NET 2.0 SP1 for the listening socket, but the /// user is free to use them for the actual transmissions on accepted connections. /// /// /// Using the .NET asynchronous pattern, this listener will be able to accept /// incoming connections until the thread pool reaches full capacity (which will /// take quite a beating), at which point the listening socket's queue of pending /// connections (backlog) will start to load up, meaning that unless another /// method of limiting the number of allowed client connections is implemented, /// a maximum of ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads() + Socket Backlog Size connections /// can be made before the listener will begin rejecting incoming connections. /// /// public class SocketListener : IDisposable { /// Triggered whenever a client connects public event EventHandler ClientConnected; /// Initializes a new incoming TCP/IP connection listener /// Port to listen on public SocketListener(short port) { setupSocket(port); } /// Shuts down the TCP/IP connection listener public void Dispose() { // This variable is mainly used by the acceptIncomingConnection() callback to // distinguish whether it was called as an effect of a new incoming connection // or due to the socket being shut down. int wasShuttingDown = Interlocked.Exchange(ref this.shutdownState, 1); // We can also use this to avoid double shut downs a little more efficiently :) if(wasShuttingDown != 1) { if(this.listeningSocket != null) { this.listeningSocket.Close(); this.listeningSocket = null; } } } /// Begins listening for incoming TCP/IP connections /// /// This method is provided so you have the chance to subscribe to the /// event before incoming connection attempts /// start being accepted by the listener. /// public void StartListening() { // Make sure we're still alive if(this.shutdownState == 1) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("Socket listener has already been disposed"); } // If we're already listening, do nothing (redundant StartListening() calls // are accepted by this library) int wasListening = Interlocked.Exchange(ref this.listeningState, 1); if(wasListening == 1) { return; } // Bring the socket into a listening state. This is a seperate function since, // after accepting a connection, this has to be repeated internalStartListening(); } /// /// Fires the ClientConnected event when a client connects to the listener /// /// Socket of the client that has connected protected virtual void OnClientConnected(Socket connectedClient) { EventHandler copy = ClientConnected; if(copy != null) { copy(this, new SocketEventArgs(connectedClient)); } } /// Internal listening start method for use in the accept callback /// /// This method is called once to initiate listening when the user calls /// and then by the connection callback to resume /// listening after an incoming connection is accepted. /// private void internalStartListening() { for(; ; ) { // Asynchronously wait for the next client to connect to the socket. If there's // already a client in the socket's pending connection queue, there's a chance // that the call will complete synchronously and, thus, invoke the callback // from this thread. IAsyncResult asyncAcceptResult = this.listeningSocket.BeginAccept( acceptIncomingConnectionDelegate, null ); // If the callback didn't run synchronously, we can safely exit here. When the // callback is made, it will be from a ThreadPool thread. We loop here otherwise // to avoid calling BeginAccept() again from the callback, which theoretically // could cause a stack overflow. if(!asyncAcceptResult.CompletedSynchronously) { break; } } } /// /// Callback that will be invoked by the socket when a client connects /// /// Handle of the asynchronous call private void acceptIncomingConnection(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { // Take a copy of the listening socket so we don't run into a NullReferenceException // when the socket is being destroyed at the same time a connection arrives // (or the callback is invoked because the socket is being destroyed and the // destroying thread was faster than us) Socket listeningSocket = this.listeningSocket; if((this.shutdownState == 1) || (this.listeningSocket == null)) { return; } // The call was not tiggered by the socket shutting down, so we have // a connection to accept! Socket acceptedConnection = this.listeningSocket.EndAccept(asyncResult); // Register and process the new client connection OnClientConnected(acceptedConnection); // If this callback was made from a ThreadPool thread, we can resume listening here. // Otherwise, we're still in the thread that called BeginReceive() and will let // that thread call BeginReceive() another time to avoid going deeper in the stack. if(!asyncResult.CompletedSynchronously) { internalStartListening(); } } /// /// Constructs the socket we're using to listen for incoming connections /// /// Port the socket is to listen on private void setupSocket(short port) { this.acceptIncomingConnectionDelegate = new AsyncCallback( acceptIncomingConnection ); this.listeningSocket = new Socket( AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp ); try { IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint( IPAddress.Parse(""), port ); this.listeningSocket.Bind(localEndPoint); this.listeningSocket.Listen(-1); } catch(Exception) { this.listeningSocket.Close(); this.listeningSocket = null; throw; } } /// Socket we're using to listen for incoming connection attempts private volatile Socket listeningSocket; /// Delegate for the acceptIncomingConnection() method private AsyncCallback acceptIncomingConnectionDelegate; /// Whether the socket receiver is currently shutting down private int shutdownState; /// Whether the socket receiver is currently listening private int listeningState; } } // namespace Nuclex.Networking