bl_info = { "name": "Blend Bone Weights", "author": "Markus Ewald", "version": (1, 1), "blender": (2, 7, 9), "location": "Object -> Tools -> Misc", "description": "Blends weights between two or three bones", #"warning": "20 Nov 2016", "wiki_url": "", "tracker_url": "", "category": "Mesh" } import os import bpy import bmesh class BlendTwoBoneWeightsOperator(bpy.types.Operator): """Re-blends the weights of two bones for all selected vertices""" bl_idname = "mesh.blend_two_bone_weights" bl_label = "Short Name" weight_factor = bpy.props.FloatProperty() def execute(self, context): armature = context.scene.blend_bone_armature first_bone = context.scene.blend_bone_first_bone second_bone = context.scene.blend_bone_second_bone weight_factor = self.weight_factor ob = bpy.context.object assert ob is not None and ob.type == 'MESH', "active object invalid" # Ensure we got the latest assignments and weights, # switch to object mode because Blender doesn't let me add vertex groups otherwise ob.update_from_editmode() previous_mode = bpy.context.object.mode if previous_mode != "OBJECT": bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT") # Get the indices of the vertex groups for the bones selected by the user first_group = None second_group = None for group in ob.vertex_groups: if == first_bone: first_group = group if == second_bone: second_group = group # If either of the bones had no vertex groups, create new vertex groups # so we can work with them if first_group == None: first_group = = first_bone) if second_group == None: second_group = = second_bone) # Diagnostic output{'INFO'}, first_bone + " is vertex group " + str(first_group.index)){'INFO'}, second_bone + " is vertex group " + str(second_group.index)) # Go over all selected vertices and adjust the blend of these two groups selected_verts = [v for v in if] for v in selected_verts:{'INFO'}, "Vertex " + str(v.index)) # Fetch the vertex groups the vertex is assigned to, if any vertex_first_group = None vertex_second_group = None for g in v.groups: if == first_group.index: vertex_first_group = g if == second_group.index: vertex_second_group = g # Get the sum of weights for the two bones we blend between total_weight = 0.0 if vertex_first_group != None: total_weight += vertex_first_group.weight if vertex_second_group != None: total_weight += vertex_second_group.weight{'INFO'}, " Total weight: " + str(total_weight)) # Assign the vertex to the first vertex group with the blended weight first_blended_weight = total_weight * (1.0 - weight_factor) if vertex_first_group == None: first_group.add([v.index], first_blended_weight, 'ADD') else: first_group.add([v.index], first_blended_weight, 'REPLACE'){'INFO'}, " New first weight: " + str(first_blended_weight)) # Assign the vertex to the second vertex group with the blended weight second_blended_weight = total_weight * (weight_factor) if vertex_second_group == None: second_group.add([v.index], second_blended_weight, 'ADD') else: second_group.add([v.index], second_blended_weight, 'REPLACE'){'INFO'}, " New second weight: " + str(second_blended_weight)) # Done, restore the previous edit mode if previous_mode != "OBJECT": bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=previous_mode) return {'FINISHED'} class BlendThreeBoneWeightsOperator(bpy.types.Operator): """Re-blends the weights of three bones for all selected vertices""" bl_idname = "mesh.blend_three_bone_weights" bl_label = "Short Name" weight_factor = bpy.props.FloatProperty() def execute(self, context): armature = context.scene.blend_bone_armature first_bone = context.scene.blend_bone_first_bone second_bone = context.scene.blend_bone_second_bone third_bone = context.scene.blend_bone_third_bone weight_factor = self.weight_factor{'INFO'}, "Weight factor is " + str(weight_factor)) ob = bpy.context.object assert ob is not None and ob.type == 'MESH', "active object invalid" # Ensure we got the latest assignments and weights, # switch to object mode because Blender doesn't let me add vertex groups otherwise ob.update_from_editmode() previous_mode = bpy.context.object.mode if previous_mode != "OBJECT": bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT") # Get the indices of the vertex groups for the bones selected by the user first_group = None second_group = None third_group = None for group in ob.vertex_groups: if == first_bone: first_group = group if == second_bone: second_group = group if == third_bone: third_group = group # If either of the bones had no vertex groups, create new vertex groups # so we can work with them if first_group == None: first_group = = first_bone) if second_group == None: second_group = = second_bone) if third_group == None: third_group = = third_bone) # Diagnostic output{'INFO'}, first_bone + " is vertex group " + str(first_group.index)){'INFO'}, second_bone + " is vertex group " + str(second_group.index)){'INFO'}, third_bone + " is vertex group " + str(third_group.index)) # Go over all selected vertices and adjust the blend of these two groups selected_verts = [v for v in if] for v in selected_verts:{'INFO'}, "Vertex " + str(v.index)) # Fetch the vertex groups the vertex is assigned to, if any vertex_first_group = None vertex_second_group = None vertex_third_group = None for g in v.groups: if == first_group.index: vertex_first_group = g if == second_group.index: vertex_second_group = g if == third_group.index: vertex_third_group = g # Get the sum of weights for the three bones we blend between total_weight = 0.0 if vertex_first_group != None: total_weight += vertex_first_group.weight if vertex_second_group != None: total_weight += vertex_second_group.weight if vertex_third_group != None: total_weight += vertex_third_group.weight{'INFO'}, " Total weight: " + str(total_weight)) # Assign the vertex to the first vertex group with the blended weight first_weight_factor = abs(0.5 - weight_factor) * 2.0 if weight_factor >= 0.5: first_weight_factor = 0.0 first_blended_weight = total_weight * first_weight_factor if vertex_first_group == None: first_group.add([v.index], first_blended_weight, 'ADD') else: first_group.add([v.index], first_blended_weight, 'REPLACE'){'INFO'}, " New first weight: " + str(first_blended_weight)) # Assign the vertex to the second vertex group with the blended weight second_weight_factor = max(0.0, 1.0 - abs(0.5 - weight_factor) * 2.0) second_blended_weight = total_weight * second_weight_factor if vertex_second_group == None: second_group.add([v.index], second_blended_weight, 'ADD') else: second_group.add([v.index], second_blended_weight, 'REPLACE'){'INFO'}, " New second weight: " + str(second_blended_weight)) # Assign the vertex to the third vertex group with the blended weight third_weight_factor = abs(0.5 - weight_factor) * 2.0 if weight_factor < 0.5: third_weight_factor = 0.0 third_blended_weight = total_weight * third_weight_factor if vertex_third_group == None: third_group.add([v.index], third_blended_weight, 'ADD') else: third_group.add([v.index], third_blended_weight, 'REPLACE'){'INFO'}, " New third weight: " + str(third_blended_weight)) # Done, restore the previous edit mode if previous_mode != "OBJECT": bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=previous_mode) return {'FINISHED'} class BlendBoneWeightsPanel(bpy.types.Panel): """Creates a Panel in the Object properties window""" bl_label = "Bone Weights" bl_idname = "OBJECT_PT_blend_weights" bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' bl_region_type = 'TOOLS' bl_context = 'mesh_edit' def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout scene = context.scene col = layout.column() # Whether to blend between two or three bones col.prop(scene, "blend_bone_mode") col.separator() # Selection on bones between which blending should happen col.prop_search(scene, "blend_bone_armature",, "armatures") arma = if arma is not None: if scene.blend_bone_mode == 'TWO': col.prop_search(scene, "blend_bone_first_bone", arma, "bones") col.prop_search(scene, "blend_bone_second_bone", arma, "bones") if scene.blend_bone_mode == 'THREE': col.prop_search(scene, "blend_bone_first_bone", arma, "bones") col.prop_search(scene, "blend_bone_second_bone", arma, "bones") col.prop_search(scene, "blend_bone_third_bone", arma, "bones") col.separator() # Number of vertices between which to blend col.prop(scene, "blend_bone_vertex_count") if scene.blend_bone_mode == 'TWO': for x in range(0, scene.blend_bone_vertex_count + 1): blend_factor = x / scene.blend_bone_vertex_count props = col.operator("mesh.blend_two_bone_weights", text="Blend " + str(blend_factor)) props.weight_factor = blend_factor if scene.blend_bone_mode == 'THREE': for x in range(0, scene.blend_bone_vertex_count + 1): blend_factor = x / scene.blend_bone_vertex_count props = col.operator("mesh.blend_three_bone_weights", text="Blend " + str(blend_factor)) props.weight_factor = blend_factor col.separator() col.prop(scene, "blend_bone_weight_factor") if scene.blend_bone_mode == 'TWO': props = col.operator("mesh.blend_two_bone_weights", text='Blend Bone Weights') props.weight_factor = scene.blend_bone_weight_factor if scene.blend_bone_mode == 'THREE': props = col.operator("mesh.blend_three_bone_weights", text='Blend Bone Weights') props.weight_factor = scene.blend_bone_weight_factor def register(): bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) bpy.types.Scene.blend_bone_mode = bpy.props.EnumProperty( name = "Blend Bones", description = "Number of bones weights should be blended for", items = [ ( 'TWO', 'Two', '', 2), ( 'THREE', 'Three', '', 3) ], default = 'TWO' ) bpy.types.Scene.blend_bone_armature = bpy.props.StringProperty( name = "Armature", description = "Armature from which bones can be selected" ) bpy.types.Scene.blend_bone_first_bone = bpy.props.StringProperty( name = "First Bone", description = "First bone over which weights will be blended" ) bpy.types.Scene.blend_bone_second_bone = bpy.props.StringProperty( name = "Second Bone", description = "Second bone over which weights will be blended" ) bpy.types.Scene.blend_bone_third_bone = bpy.props.StringProperty( name = "Third Bone", description = "Third bone over which weights will be blended" ) bpy.types.Scene.blend_bone_vertex_count = bpy.props.IntProperty( name = "Vertex Count", description = "Number of vertices along which weights will be blended", default = 8, min = 2, max = 25 ) bpy.types.Scene.blend_bone_weight_factor = bpy.props.FloatProperty( name = "Transition", description = "Weight transition between first bone and second", default = 0.5, min = 0.0, max = 1.0 ) def unregister(): del bpy.types.Scene.blend_bone_weight_factor del bpy.types.Scene.blend_bone_vertex_count del bpy.types.Scene.blend_bone_third_bone del bpy.types.Scene.blend_bone_second_bone del bpy.types.Scene.blend_bone_first_bone del bpy.types.Scene.blend_bone_armature del bpy.types.Scene.blend_bone_mode bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__) # This allows you to run the script directly from blenders text editor # to test the addon without having to install it if __name__ == "__main__": register()