From: Subject: R-tree Demo Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 09:59:44 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.3198 R-tree Demo

Splitting Methods

They differ primarily in the = techniques=20 used to split an overflowing node during insertion. The goal is to = minimize=20 coverage and overlap. These goals are at times contradictory and thus = heuristics=20 are often used. The node splitting algorithms described below range from = being=20 quite simple (e.g., exhaustive search) to being fairly complicated = (e.g.,=20 R*-tree [Beck90c]).=20 Some just split the overflowing node, while others try to reinsert some = of the=20 objects and nodes from the overflowing nodes thereby striving for better = overall=20 behavior (e.g., reduction in coverage and overlap).=20
  1. Exhaustive Search: If the R-tree node = overflows,=20 then try all possible ways of splitting the node into two new nodes = that=20 satisfy the requirements on the minimal and maximal number of children = that=20 can be stored in a node. Choose the split which causes bounding boxes = of the=20 two new nodes to have the smallest area [Gutt84].=20 Thus the goal of this method is to reduce the coverage. This method is = quite=20 complex as it tries all possibilities.
  2. Quadratic method: Examine all the = children of the=20 overflowing node and find the pair of bounding boxes that would waste = the most=20 area were they to be inserted in the same node. This is determined by=20 subtracting the sum of the areas of the two bounding boxes from the = area of=20 the covering bounding box. These two bounding boxes are placed in = separate=20 nodes, say j and k . The set of remaining bounding boxes = are=20 examined and the bounding box i whose addition maximizes the = difference=20 in coverage between the bounding boxes associated with j and = k=20 is added to the node whose coverage is minimized by the addition. = This=20 process is reapplied to the remaining bounding boxes [Gutt84].=20 This method takes quadratic time.
  3. Linear Method: Find the two bounding = boxes with the=20 greatest normalized separation along both axes, and split along this = axis. The=20 remaining bounding boxes in the node are assigned to the nodes whose = covering=20 bounding box is increased the least by the addition [Gutt84].=20 This method takes linear time.
  4. R*-tree: The R*-tree [Beck90c]=20 is a name given to a variant of the R-tree which makes use of the most = complex=20 of the node splitting algorithms. The algorithm differs from the other = algorithms as it attempts to reduce both overlap and coverage. In = particular,=20 the primary focus is on reducing overlap with ties broken by favoring = the=20 splits that reduce the coverage by using the splits that minimize the=20 perimeter of the bounding boxes of the resulting nodes. In addition, = when a=20 node a overflows, instead of immediately splitting a , = an=20 attempt is made first to see if some of the objects in a could = possibly=20 be more suited to being in another node. This is achieved by = reinserting a=20 fraction (30% has been found to yield good performance [Beck90c])=20 of these objects in the tree (termed forced reinsertion). The = node is=20 only split if it has been found to overflow after reinsertion has = taken place.=20 This method is quite complex.
  5. Ang/Tan Method: Form four sets, one for = each face=20 (i.e., side) of the overflowing node a . Associate each = bounding box=20 o in a with the closest face of a in each of the = two=20 dimensions. Once the four sets representing four partitions have been=20 constructed (i.e., each bounding box o has been associated with = two=20 sets), select the partition that ensures the most even distribution of = bounding boxes. In case of a tie, choose the partition with the least = overlap.=20 In case of another tie, choose the partition with the least coverage. = This=20 method takes linear time [Ang97].=20
  6. Hilbert Nonpacked Method: Order the = objects on the=20 basis of the Peano-Hilbert number (e.g., [Same90a])=20 corresponding to their centroid [Kame94].=20 The objects are stored in a B+-tree.
  7. Morton Nonpacked Method: Order the = objects on the=20 basis of the Morton number (e.g., [Same90a])=20 corresponding to their centroid [Whit82].=20 This number is obtained by interleaving the x and y = coordinate=20 values of the centroid. The objects are stored in a B+-tree.
  8. Packed Method: Order the objects on the = basis of=20 some criterion [Rous85].=20 It has two stages. In our implementation, the first stage orders the = centroids=20 of the objects in Peano-Hilbert order. The second stage fills the leaf = nodes=20 by examining the objects in increasing Peano-Hilbert order of their = centroids=20 (obtained by the first stage). Each leaf node is filled with the first = unprocessed object and its M-1 nearest neighbors (in the space = in which=20 the objects lie) which have not yet been inserted in other leaf nodes. = Once an=20 entire level of the packed R-tree has been obtained, the algorithm is=20 reapplied to add nodes at the next level using the same nearest = neighbor=20 criterion, terminating when a level contains just one node. The only=20 difference between the ordering that is applied at the levels = containing the=20 nonleaf nodes from that used at the level of the leaf nodes is that in = the=20 former case we are ordering the bounding boxes while in the latter = case we are=20 ordering the actual objects.
  9. Hilbert Packed Method: Order the objects = on the=20 basis of the Peano-Hilbert number corresponding to their centroid [Kame93].=20 Once this ordering has been obtained, the leaf nodes are filled to = capacity by=20 examining the objects in increasing order. The nodes at the remaining = levels=20 are ordered according to the time at which they were created.
  10. Morton Packed R-tree: Order the objects = on the=20 basis of the Morton number corresponding to their centroid (e.g., [Kame93]).=20 This number is obtained by interleaving the x and y = coordinate=20 values of the centroid. Once this ordering has been obtained, the leaf = nodes=20 are filled to capacity by examining the objects in increasing order. = The nodes=20 at the remaining levels are ordered according to the time at which = they were=20 created.