@ECHO OFF IF NOT EXIST Docs\NUL MD Docs > NUL REM Make sure we're in the right directory IF NOT EXIST Docs\DoxyGen.cfg GOTO NoDoxyGenCfg REM Create the output folder IF NOT EXIST Docs\Html\NUL MD Docs\Html > NUL REM Execute DoxyGen to create the html documentation CD Docs CALL DoxyGen DoxyGen.cfg REM Compile the documentation to a CHM file CD Html CALL HHC Index.hhp CD .. IF EXIST SQLiteX.chm DEL SQLiteX.chm > NUL MOVE Html\Index.chm SQLiteX.chm > NUL CD .. REM Display the generated docs CALL %WINDIR%\HH Docs\SQLiteX.chm GOTO End :NoDoxyGenCfg ECHO DoxyGen.cfg not found. This batch file must be run ECHO from within the SQLiteX main folder GOTO End :End