//  // // # # ### # # -= Nuclex Library =-  // // ## # # # ## ## String.cpp - Nuclex string class  // // ### # # ###  // // # ### # ### Nuclex string class, extends std::string with a  // // # ## # # ## ## few additional methods  // // # # ### # # R1 (C)2002-2004 Markus Ewald -> License.txt  // //  // #include "Nuclex/Support/String.h" #include "Nuclex/Support/Exception.h" #include "Nuclex/Storage/Stream.h" #include #include using namespace Nuclex; using namespace Nuclex::Support; using namespace std; namespace { // The CRC32 table const unsigned_32 CRC32Table[256] = { 0x00000000, 0x04C11DB7, 0x09823B6E, 0x0D4326D9, 0x130476DC, 0x17C56B6B, 0x1A864DB2, 0x1E475005, 0x2608EDB8, 0x22C9F00F, 0x2F8AD6D6, 0x2B4BCB61, 0x350C9B64, 0x31CD86D3, 0x3C8EA00A, 0x384FBDBD, 0x4C11DB70, 0x48D0C6C7, 0x4593E01E, 0x4152FDA9, 0x5F15ADAC, 0x5BD4B01B, 0x569796C2, 0x52568B75, 0x6A1936C8, 0x6ED82B7F, 0x639B0DA6, 0x675A1011, 0x791D4014, 0x7DDC5DA3, 0x709F7B7A, 0x745E66CD, 0x9823B6E0, 0x9CE2AB57, 0x91A18D8E, 0x95609039, 0x8B27C03C, 0x8FE6DD8B, 0x82A5FB52, 0x8664E6E5, 0xBE2B5B58, 0xBAEA46EF, 0xB7A96036, 0xB3687D81, 0xAD2F2D84, 0xA9EE3033, 0xA4AD16EA, 0xA06C0B5D, 0xD4326D90, 0xD0F37027, 0xDDB056FE, 0xD9714B49, 0xC7361B4C, 0xC3F706FB, 0xCEB42022, 0xCA753D95, 0xF23A8028, 0xF6FB9D9F, 0xFBB8BB46, 0xFF79A6F1, 0xE13EF6F4, 0xE5FFEB43, 0xE8BCCD9A, 0xEC7DD02D, 0x34867077, 0x30476DC0, 0x3D044B19, 0x39C556AE, 0x278206AB, 0x23431B1C, 0x2E003DC5, 0x2AC12072, 0x128E9DCF, 0x164F8078, 0x1B0CA6A1, 0x1FCDBB16, 0x018AEB13, 0x054BF6A4, 0x0808D07D, 0x0CC9CDCA, 0x7897AB07, 0x7C56B6B0, 0x71159069, 0x75D48DDE, 0x6B93DDDB, 0x6F52C06C, 0x6211E6B5, 0x66D0FB02, 0x5E9F46BF, 0x5A5E5B08, 0x571D7DD1, 0x53DC6066, 0x4D9B3063, 0x495A2DD4, 0x44190B0D, 0x40D816BA, 0xACA5C697, 0xA864DB20, 0xA527FDF9, 0xA1E6E04E, 0xBFA1B04B, 0xBB60ADFC, 0xB6238B25, 0xB2E29692, 0x8AAD2B2F, 0x8E6C3698, 0x832F1041, 0x87EE0DF6, 0x99A95DF3, 0x9D684044, 0x902B669D, 0x94EA7B2A, 0xE0B41DE7, 0xE4750050, 0xE9362689, 0xEDF73B3E, 0xF3B06B3B, 0xF771768C, 0xFA325055, 0xFEF34DE2, 0xC6BCF05F, 0xC27DEDE8, 0xCF3ECB31, 0xCBFFD686, 0xD5B88683, 0xD1799B34, 0xDC3ABDED, 0xD8FBA05A, 0x690CE0EE, 0x6DCDFD59, 0x608EDB80, 0x644FC637, 0x7A089632, 0x7EC98B85, 0x738AAD5C, 0x774BB0EB, 0x4F040D56, 0x4BC510E1, 0x46863638, 0x42472B8F, 0x5C007B8A, 0x58C1663D, 0x558240E4, 0x51435D53, 0x251D3B9E, 0x21DC2629, 0x2C9F00F0, 0x285E1D47, 0x36194D42, 0x32D850F5, 0x3F9B762C, 0x3B5A6B9B, 0x0315D626, 0x07D4CB91, 0x0A97ED48, 0x0E56F0FF, 0x1011A0FA, 0x14D0BD4D, 0x19939B94, 0x1D528623, 0xF12F560E, 0xF5EE4BB9, 0xF8AD6D60, 0xFC6C70D7, 0xE22B20D2, 0xE6EA3D65, 0xEBA91BBC, 0xEF68060B, 0xD727BBB6, 0xD3E6A601, 0xDEA580D8, 0xDA649D6F, 0xC423CD6A, 0xC0E2D0DD, 0xCDA1F604, 0xC960EBB3, 0xBD3E8D7E, 0xB9FF90C9, 0xB4BCB610, 0xB07DABA7, 0xAE3AFBA2, 0xAAFBE615, 0xA7B8C0CC, 0xA379DD7B, 0x9B3660C6, 0x9FF77D71, 0x92B45BA8, 0x9675461F, 0x8832161A, 0x8CF30BAD, 0x81B02D74, 0x857130C3, 0x5D8A9099, 0x594B8D2E, 0x5408ABF7, 0x50C9B640, 0x4E8EE645, 0x4A4FFBF2, 0x470CDD2B, 0x43CDC09C, 0x7B827D21, 0x7F436096, 0x7200464F, 0x76C15BF8, 0x68860BFD, 0x6C47164A, 0x61043093, 0x65C52D24, 0x119B4BE9, 0x155A565E, 0x18197087, 0x1CD86D30, 0x029F3D35, 0x065E2082, 0x0B1D065B, 0x0FDC1BEC, 0x3793A651, 0x3352BBE6, 0x3E119D3F, 0x3AD08088, 0x2497D08D, 0x2056CD3A, 0x2D15EBE3, 0x29D4F654, 0xC5A92679, 0xC1683BCE, 0xCC2B1D17, 0xC8EA00A0, 0xD6AD50A5, 0xD26C4D12, 0xDF2F6BCB, 0xDBEE767C, 0xE3A1CBC1, 0xE760D676, 0xEA23F0AF, 0xEEE2ED18, 0xF0A5BD1D, 0xF464A0AA, 0xF9278673, 0xFDE69BC4, 0x89B8FD09, 0x8D79E0BE, 0x803AC667, 0x84FBDBD0, 0x9ABC8BD5, 0x9E7D9662, 0x933EB0BB, 0x97FFAD0C, 0xAFB010B1, 0xAB710D06, 0xA6322BDF, 0xA2F33668, 0xBCB4666D, 0xB8757BDA, 0xB5365D03, 0xB1F740B4 }; // ####################################################################### // // # Nuclex::checkWildcardMatch() # // // ####################################################################### // /// Ascii wildcard match function /** Compares a string to a wildcard @param pszString String to compare to the wildcard @param pszWildcard Wildcard specification to compare with @return True if the string matches the wildcard specification */ inline bool checkWildcardMatch(const char *pszString, const char *pszWildcard) { if(!pszString) return false; for(; '*' ^ *pszWildcard; ++pszWildcard, ++pszString) { if(!*pszString) return (!*pszWildcard); if(::toupper(*pszString) ^ ::toupper(*pszWildcard) && '?' ^ *pszWildcard) return false; } while('*' == pszWildcard[1]) pszWildcard++; do { if(checkWildcardMatch(pszString, pszWildcard + 1)) return true; } while(*pszString++); return false; } // ####################################################################### // // # Nuclex::checkWildcardMatch() # // // ####################################################################### // /// Unicode wildcard match function /** Compares a string to a wildcard @param pszString String to compare to the wildcard @param pszWildcard Wildcard specification to compare with @return True if the string matches the wildcard specification */ inline bool checkWildcardMatch(const wchar_t *pszString, const wchar_t *pszWildcard) { if(!pszString) return false; for(; L'*' ^ *pszWildcard; ++pszWildcard, ++pszString) { if(!*pszString) return (!*pszWildcard); if(::toupper(*pszString) ^ ::toupper(*pszWildcard) && L'?' ^ *pszWildcard) return false; } while(L'*' == pszWildcard[1]) pszWildcard++; do { if(checkWildcardMatch(pszString, pszWildcard + 1)) return true; } while(*pszString++); return false; } } // ####################################################################### // // # Nuclex::Support::unicodeFromAscii() # // // ####################################################################### // /** Performs a string conversion from ascii to unicode @param sAscii Ascii string to be converted to unicode @return An unicode string which is equivalent to the ascii string */ wstring Nuclex::Support::unicodeFromAscii(const std::string &sAscii) { std::vector Unicode(sAscii.length()); const char *pszNext; wchar_t *pwszNext; mbstate_t state; int res = use_facet >(locale("C")).in( state, sAscii.c_str(), &sAscii.c_str()[sAscii.length()], pszNext, &Unicode[0], &Unicode[0] + sAscii.length(), pwszNext ); if(res == codecvt_base::error) throw UnexpectedException("Nuclex::Support::unicodeFromAscii()", "Conversion failed"); return std::wstring(&Unicode[0], pwszNext - &Unicode[0]); } // ####################################################################### // // # Nuclex::Support::asciiFromUnicode() # // // ####################################################################### // /** Performs a string conversion from unicode to ascii @param sUnicode Unicode string to be converted to ascii @return An ascii string which is equivalent to the unicode string */ string Nuclex::Support::asciiFromUnicode(const std::wstring &sUnicode) { std::vector Ascii(sUnicode.length()); char *pszNext; const wchar_t *pwszNext; mbstate_t state; int res = use_facet >(locale("C")).out( state, sUnicode.c_str(), &sUnicode.c_str()[sUnicode.length()], pwszNext, &Ascii[0], &Ascii[0] + sUnicode.length(), pszNext ); if(res == codecvt_base::error) throw UnexpectedException("Nuclex::Support::asciiFromUnicode()", "Conversion failed"); return std::string(&Ascii[0], pszNext - &Ascii[0]); } // ####################################################################### // // # Nuclex::Support::wildcardMatch() # // // ####################################################################### // bool wildcardMatch(const string &sString, const string &sWildcard) { return checkWildcardMatch(sString.c_str(), sWildcard.c_str()); } // ####################################################################### // // # Nuclex::Support::wildcardMatch() # // // ####################################################################### // bool wildcardMatch(const wstring &sString, const wstring &sWildcard) { return checkWildcardMatch(sString.c_str(), sWildcard.c_str()); } // ####################################################################### // // # Nuclex::Support::stringFromStream() # // // ####################################################################### // /** Reads the entire contents of a stream into a string @param spStream Stream to be read @return A string containing the entire stream contents */ string Nuclex::Support::stringFromStream(const shared_ptr &spStream) { std::vector Chars(spStream->getSize()); spStream->seekTo(0); spStream->readData(&Chars[0], spStream->getSize()); return string(&Chars[0], spStream->getSize()); } // ####################################################################### // // # Nuclex::Support::getCRC32() # // // ####################################################################### // /** Calculates a simple hashing value from the string @return CRC32 of the string */ unsigned_32 getCRC32(const void *pData, size_t Length) { const unsigned_8 *pcData = reinterpret_cast(pData); unsigned_32 nAccum = 0; for(size_t nJ = 0; nJ < Length; nJ++) { unsigned_32 nI = (nAccum >> 24) ^ pcData[nJ] & 0xFF; nAccum = (nAccum << 8) ^ CRC32Table[nI]; } return nAccum; } #if 0 // ####################################################################### // // # Nuclex::Support::stringFromLong() # // // ####################################################################### // /** Converts an integer into a string @param nValue Integer value to convert @param nBase Numeric base for the conversion @return The string representation of the integer */ string Nuclex::Support::stringFromLong(long nValue, size_t nBase) { char pszValue[64]; ::itoa(nValue, pszValue, nBase); return pszValue; // Implicitely constructs a string } // ####################################################################### // // # Nuclex::Support::stringFromFloat() # // // ####################################################################### // /** Converts a float into a string @param fValue Float value to convert @param nDecimals Number of decimal places to return @return The string representation of the double */ string Nuclex::Support::stringFromFloat(float fValue, size_t nDecimals) { return stringFromDouble(fValue, nDecimals); } // ####################################################################### // // # Nuclex::Support::stringFromDouble() # // // ####################################################################### // /** Converts a double into a string @param dValue Double value to convert @param nDecimals Number of decimal places to return @return The string representation of the double */ string Nuclex::Support::stringFromDouble(double dValue, size_t nDecimals) { int nDec, nSign; string sTemp = _fcvt(dValue, nDecimals, &nDec, &nSign); if(nDec <= 0) { sTemp = string(1 - nDec, '0') + sTemp; nDec = 1; } if(nDecimals > 0) return (nSign ? string("-") : string()) + (sTemp.substr(0, nDec) + "." + sTemp.substr(nDec)).c_str(); else return (nSign ? string("-") : string()) + sTemp.substr(0, nDec); } // ####################################################################### // // # Nuclex::Support::stringFromPointer() # // // ####################################################################### // /** Converts a pointer into a string @param pPointer Pointer to convert @return The string representation of the pointer */ string Nuclex::Support::stringFromPointer(const void *pPointer) { char pszTemp[16] = { '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' }; ::itoa(reinterpret_cast(pPointer), &pszTemp[7], 16); return &pszTemp[11 - ::strlen(&pszTemp[7])]; // Implicitely constructs a string } #endif /* CRC32Table() { unsigned_32 nI, nJ, nAccum; for(nI = 0; nI < 256; nI++) { nAccum = (nI << 24); for(nJ = 0; nJ < 8; nJ++) { if(nAccum & 0x80000000L) nAccum = (nAccum << 1) ^ 0x04C11DB7L; else nAccum <<= 1; } data[nI] = nAccum; } } */